Mentoring IS Necessary

We live in a “microwave” society and often forget that just because we can have our food cooked quickly that it doesn’t work out quite that way in life. There are seasons, processes if you will that we all must be willing to go through.



Although as a pastor I often see things from a spiritual perspective. We don’t even have to go there. Consider a fruit tree. No matter how much we want it to produce fruit, if it is not the season for that tree to bear, it will not happen.

Now of course man can try to intervene and speed up the process by genetically altering our food but the result will be tainted food not really fit for human consumption. In other words, not allowing nature to do “its thing” can end up making you sick.




I see it the same way in life. When we try to speed things up, take short cuts, etc. it always comes back to bite us. Maybe not at first but eventually it will.

If a person begins to lead too quickly, without proper training or without having developed the ability to follow, there will come a time when a situation will arise that they are not prepared for: not grown enough for, not experienced enough for… You know what I mean?

The scripture says not to lay hands too suddenly on a new convert. Meaning they can become prideful thinking they are equipped to lead and survive in the jungle of life. It’s a trick of the enemy to make you leap too soon.

Instead, serving and training is encouraged. That is a principle that should be adopted by all who desire to be great in their various endeavors.

Whether you desire to speak, to lead, or to start a business, I suggest  you get some training. Get a mentor. Get someone who can help you over the rough areas. and may I add they don’t mind doing so. You shouldn’t have to beg someone to help you.

Be willing to go through your process. You will be tempted to skip some steps… but may I say, “Don’t do it…” Be patient. Build the right foundation so that your dream will last. Ask lots of questions. Volunteer in someone’s office. Buy lots of books and training materials. Attend conferences. Invest in your future, by investing in yourself. Get a Mentor…

My friend,I don’t know about you, but I want to build on a solid foundation. I want to learn from others so that I can avoid needless mistakes. Once I learn and feel truly prepared (a mentor can let you know) then I know that I can soar.



Remember mentoring is necessary. You need to be mentored by someone who has “been there, done that.” Your role is to receive the help and when it’s your turn, do the same for others.

I hope this post blessed you. See you next time.


Tracie Davis

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